2017年9月26日 星期二






失業後,想到曾經請到的《學佛》一書,很快的在幾天內把這本書從頭到尾看了數遍。了解了與其心中充滿不平,還不如以正向的心態去面對,思考下一步。由於之前工作的關係,常出國出差,總是沒有時間多去聞法。現在待業在家就勤跑華藏寺聖法恆福聞法中心聽聞法音,感恩南無第三世多杰羌佛的開示,及師姐的支持。秉持著多學佛及多聞法,多學習的心態,盡可能每天去聞法, 因此反覆聽聞“學佛”的法音,深深體會到世界的因果,心理也有了不同的體會。同時在這段期間內,也有時間與機會多參與佛事以及放生活動。


上工後,我雖然兢兢業業努力學習,但是這個職位所需要的經驗以及電機工程的背景,對我是非常吃力的。三個月後,或許因為客戶項目取消,同時也因為自己無法勝任這個工作。我又失業了(5月底)! 回想起來,雖然今天失去了這個工作,但是這三個月的經歷,讓我學到了一些新的東西和經驗。一方面對家裡的經濟和醫療保險也有很大的助益。




華因 6/15/2017



美國舊金山華藏寺FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/huazangsi

2017年9月25日 星期一

I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!_What Should We Do about the Matter of Death?

What Should We Do about the Matter of Death?

I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!_What Should We Do about the Matter of Death?

I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!
I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!
I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!  

Layperson Hou Yushan, a university professor in physics, ascended to the World of Ultimate Bliss (Webpage in Chinese)

Layperson Lin Liu Huixiu in Seattle ascended to the World of Ultimate Bliss in a sitting pose (Webpage in Chinese)  

While they were alive, the dharma brother and dharma sister worked diligently on their own duties to take care of their family and do volunteer work. Later, they became seriously ill. At such critical moment, they encountered extremely magnificent affinities with the dharma. They respectfully and faithfully listened to the recorded dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and had the opportunity to pay respect to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in person. With boundless compassion, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III transmitted the dharma to them. Through diligently practicing the dharma, they ascended to the World of Ultimate Bliss. Living beings should all think and seriously ask themselves a question. Who can be guaranteed to ascend to the World of Ultimate Bliss??  

 After attending the funeral/farewell ceremony for Layperson Hou Yushan, I recalled the time I was having dinner with Layperson Lin Liu Huixiu while she was already terminally ill. The memory of her reminding me to start eating was as fresh and vivid as yesterday. The karmic condition that caused me to learn the Buddha-dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III also resurfaced in my mind…  

At the age of over 80, my grandpa was stricken in bed with pneumonia. In the early morning on that day, he was unable to breath on his own and a tube had to be inserted to feed oxygen in. The suffering caused him to be tied up on the bed yowling for several hours. Eventually, the misery ended at four o’clock in the afternoon. Despite having a strong will to live, he was nevertheless overpowered by the devil of illness and left the world unwillingly. The tragic scene before his death still appears before my eyes…In the morning of that day, grandpa could still talk and move normally. Using hand gestures to help explain, he repeatedly mentioned the time of 4 o’clock in the afternoon to me and my mother. Perhaps he already knew that the Yama King would soon come to take him…  

Grandpa’s passing away greatly affected my view toward life. He was at the hospital at the time. I watched with my own eyes him stepping into the impermanence of death. I was unable to help him in any way. His death was like a horrible dream to me. I suddenly woke up to the fact that a person will die… Even the doctor can’t do anything. Where does one go after death? What can we do about that? What can we do about that?  

I had never heard about H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III before then. My karmic forces were very heavy. I would doze off when listening to chanting sutras. I was only fond of pursuing worldly good fortune. To quest for the answer of what to do about death, I began to listen to the dharma expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. At the very beginning of listening to the recorded dharma discourses, to tell the truth, I could not get most of what I heard due to my inability to understand the accent. However, any small paragraph that I could understand made me feel like getting precious treasures, even though I did not have any background in Buddhism. Through this process of entering deeply to achieve a simple and explicit understanding, I heard the truth about the universe and human life. The words of “formation, abiding, decaying, and vanishing” sounded extremely precise and accurate. What is impermanence? Why do we have to end birth and death! The dharma expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is so great and magnificent!

After respectfully listening to the recorded dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, I have understood what impermanence is about. I am no longer worried or in fear. I also have adjusted the emphasis of my life and do not solely go after worldly enjoyment.  

A person will die… Even the doctor can’t do anything. Where does one go after death? What can we do about that? What can we do about that? Actually these questions have been explained very clearly in the recorded dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and are very minor problems……  

Do you have questions about ascending to the World of Ultimate Bliss?

Do you have questions about Arhat, Bodhisattva, and Buddha?

If you can respectfully and seriously listen to the recorded dharma discourses expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, you will have all the answers. The accomplishment one attains depends on one’s own cultivation, conduct, and level of practice.

I am boundlessly grateful to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!

I beseech and wish living beings have the opportunity to hear the dharma expounded by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and all attain perfect good fortune and wisdom, great accomplishment, and great liberation!  

I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!

I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III!

I most sincerely prostrate to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III! 

Written by: Hua Jing

  What Should We Do about the Matter of Death?

  Link: http://hzsmails.org/2016/09/%E9%A0%82%E7%A6%AE%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%89%E4%B8%96%E5%A4%9A%E6%9D%B0%E7%BE%8C%E4%BD%9B-what-should-we-do-about-the-matter-of-death/  

Hua Zang Si in San Francisco:www.huazangsi.org
Hua Zang Si Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/huazangsi

#HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII #DorjeChangBuddhaIII #DorjeChangBuddha #Buddhism

2017年9月24日 星期日

義雲高大師一人創造 21 類成就 200 餘件作品 人類史無前例的世界瑰寶級成就展




二零零八年四月三日,由全球佛教出版社和世界法音出版社出版的《多杰羌佛第三世》記實一書在美國國會圖書館舉行了莊嚴隆重的首發儀式,美國國會圖書館並正式收藏此書,自此人們才知道原來一直廣受大家尊敬的義雲高大師、仰諤益西諾布大法王,被世界佛教各大教派的領袖或攝政王、大活佛行文認證,就是宇宙始祖報身佛多杰羌佛的第三世降世,佛號為第三世多杰羌佛,從此,人們就以“南無第三世多杰羌佛”來稱呼了。這就猶如釋迦牟尼佛未成佛前,其名號為悉達多太子,但自釋迦牟尼佛成佛以後,就改稱“南無釋迦牟尼佛”了,所以,我們現在稱“南無第三世多杰羌佛”。尤其是,二零一二年十二月十二日,美國國會參議院第614號決議正式以His Holiness來冠名第三世多杰羌佛(即 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛),從此南無第三世多杰羌佛的稱位已定性。而且,第三世多杰羌佛也是政府法定的名字,以前的“義雲高”和大師、總持大法王的尊稱已經不存在了。但是,這個新聞是在南無第三世多杰羌佛佛號未公佈之前刊登的,那時人們還不瞭解佛陀的真正身份,所以,為了尊重歷史的真實,我們在新聞中仍然保留未法定第三世多杰羌佛稱號前所用的名字,但大家要清楚,除H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的名字是合法的以外,在未法定之前的名字已經不存在了。




3134 22nd Street San Francisco
週一至週四 11AM – 5PM
週五至週日 10AM – 6PM

義雲高大師法號仰諤益西諾布雲高法王,史無前例的五明巨匠,一人展出二十一類成就,以表相應崇敬二十一度母對眾生大悲菩提的功德,祈請度母賜福眾生,國泰民安,世界和平。展出類別有:1. 佛像設計造型類、2. 詩詞類、3. 古文類、4. 現代文類、5. 楹聯類、6. 哲言類、7. 書法類、8. 金石類、9. 中國畫類、10. 西畫類、11. 壁掛類、12. 玉板類、13. 磁磚類、14. 玻璃畫類、15. 立體畫類、16. 畫框類、17. 名茶類、18. 保健品類、19. 韻雕類、20. 歌帶類、21. 百千萬劫難遭遇無上甚深佛法類。二十一類成就分二百餘件作品展出,件件是世界級高水準,其中有的作品被公認為不是人類能做得了的,而是天上降下來的寶物,達到人類無法複製的美妙和高度!

#義雲高 #義雲高大師 #第三世多杰羌佛 #第三世多杰羌佛藝術 #第三世多杰羌佛正法